Plantation - Metallic Round Red Mirror - $295 (32"diameter)(above)
Have been reflecting on what's important over the last day or so...and about keeping things in perspective.
Feeling like I needed to put things in perspective all started when I almost got into an accident on my way to work the other day. The reason...I came to the shocking realization that I had forgotten my makeup. I had run out of the house that morning in my usual start of the day rush...my face all lathered up in moisturizer with sunscreen and this new Dermalogica lip repair gooey stuff all over my lips...with the intent of wiping down and putting on makeup in my car as I was driving to work(the usual routine btw...really safe driving, right?). When I was about to Beverly Hills, I reached into my huge YSL Muse bag (again...the voluminous nature of this bag could be the source of this problem and others) and I gasped (as if having been cornered in an alley by armed robbers) when I realized I DIDN'T HAVE MY MAKEUP BAG! My head started spinning...I started to get dizzy...I almost broke out into a bit of a sweat when I realized no store was open at that hour in the morning to buy decent makeup! Arrrrghhhhh! It's been years since I was seen in public without lipstick or mascara! So, in the middle of my meltdown, I tried dialing everyone I knew to tell them about my "dilemma" (or "non-dilemma dilemma" as I call most situations I am in). I don't know why I was calling people or what they could have done...but I thought at least someone could console me. When I got no answers and I was approaching the office, I realized it was too late...I couldn't turn around and go home, I would have to brave the day bare faced and greasy. So, I made a logical plan (hmmm....)...I would stay in my office all day, close the door. If I needed something I would call the intern and have her get it for me. If anyone knocked on my office door, I simply wouldn't answer. I would only communicate by phone and email...no in person meetings...at all. If I had to leave my office for any reason, I would plot out a route where no one would see me and I would keep my head low...I would turn into the Howard Hughes executive for a day and not let anyone see me...no one. I had a lunch scheduled...I would cancel that too. I parked my car...wiped off some of the goo on my face...put on my HUGE sunglasses and dashed up the stairs into my office...didn't say hi to a soul. When I made it to my door, I fumbled with the keys, shaking a bit perhaps for the fear that someone would pass, and finally made it into my office undetected...phew. Low and behold and lucky for me, that makeup bag that I thought I had forgotten at home was actually in my office. In revenge to the universe for causing me stress and perhaps out of relief, I proceeded to glob on so much makeup, I spent the rest of the day looking like a marionette of sorts...in the end, my over made up look probably had the same eery effect on people as I would have had without any make up at all.
Anyhooo, after getting stressed out about makeup and such, I did start to reflect about what is important. Helping people, being charitable, being nice to others, trying to do the right thing, being honest are just a few things (I think) that are really and truly important. In a time when people are worried about their jobs, how they will put food on the table for their family and just concerned about surviving in general, I know that real stress and worry should be reserved for those things that really count...
Must remember to reflect on what's truly important in the future...maybe these mirrors will help!!
Hmmm...now how to segue into the non-important discussion of lovely decorative accent mirrors with layered designed frames and rims. No way to really do that appropriately so I'll just say, I do like all of these mirrors...love the patterns and designs...my favorite is the red at the top...but also love the salvaged bicycle wheel mirror below. Nice to reflect on things with nice mirrors...right???

cb2 - Spoke Mirror - $59.95 (Vary in size because made from reclaimed iron bicycle wheels)

Horchow - Bangle Mirror - $195 (iron frame of layered rings)(above)

Modern Dose - Lily Mirror - $295 (Petal shaped mirrors set on two levels to create an antique looking floral decorative mirror)(above)

Oly - Delanie Round Mirror (non-antiqued round mirror with flower mirrored detailing around rim)(above)
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with the title CHEAP TO CHIC: REFLECTING AND SOME CUTE LAYERED DECORATIVE MIRRORS!. You can bookmark this page URL http://nbaynadamas.blogspot.com/2009/07/cheap-to-chic-reflecting-and-some-cute.html. Thanks!
Write by:
AN - Friday, July 17, 2009
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