Photos by Coco of Nbaynadamas
Lawson Fenning - Brass Sarreid Cabinet- $4400 (Made in Spain in the 1970s. Vintage nine drawer cabinet or chest of drawers with turned wood feet, copper nail heads and brass sheets over wood) (above)
NN and I were furniture hunting a few weeks ago on Beverly...well errrr...I was furniture hunting and NN was forced into it only because I was the one who drove (he suggested I pick him up...just so you understand that the events that ensued were not design malice intended).
That weekend, NN became my latest victim - one in a group of friends who I agree to go to lunch, dinner, or a movie with but who I trap (in a way) when I ask them to briefly stop by a store or two for a casual "look". Much to their chagrin, however, these friends unwittingly end up on the sidelines (the sidelines of my world) for hours in furniture shops while I obsessively peruse and photograph everything there is in site. Is that a form of kidnapping? Torture? Hmmm...?
Poor NN. It was Saturday and all he wanted to do was have lunch and to go see Watchmen. (Thankfully, by the time we got to the Arclight on the opening weekend of Watchmen, and much to my relief, the movie was sold out. To pretend I was just as into the movie as NN (to indulge his interest in this movie rendition of a graphic novel and only because he had been so indulgent with my interior design aside), I begged every single person at the ticket counter to release the four seats that are held aside and never sold for every movie "just in case a seat breaks or something". My begging was useless. The group of ticket sellers was resolute...they thought and said as I pretend begged, "No tickets for you."! "Fabulous", I secretly thought...but put on a very sad face to NN).
Anyhoo, before the Watchmen expedition at the Arclight, NN and I went to Lawson Fenning on Beverly. The first thing I saw was this gold cabinet. I was transfixed.
I asked NN..."Is this ugly or pretty? I can't tell."
NN definitively responded "Ugly."
"Is it really pretty? Or is it really ugly? Or maybe on a continuum it circles past ugly, around to pretty and then back to ugly and then lands somewhere in between pretty and ugly?", I mused.
NN definitively responded again, "Ugly."
Then he disappeared as I stared at the cabinet for another five minutes.
With no audience in sight, I finally replied "I'm not the right setting, although I don't know what, this might work?"
(Crickets chirp)
But, even as I spoke, I wasn't all that sure. Part of me thought beautiful...part of me thought absolutely not beautiful (verging on gauche).
I need more than NN's opinion and my indecisiveness to decide on this one.
What do you think of this vintage brass cabinet...ugly or pretty?
(I do think this is a striking and bold piece that could make an amazing design statement...but don't know just what do you say?)

Please click on comments link below and weigh in!
Photos by Coco of Nbaynadamas

Lawson Fenning - Brass Sarreid Cabinet- $4400 (Made in Spain in the 1970s. Vintage nine drawer cabinet or chest of drawers with turned wood feet, copper nail heads and brass sheets over wood) (above)
NN and I were furniture hunting a few weeks ago on Beverly...well errrr...I was furniture hunting and NN was forced into it only because I was the one who drove (he suggested I pick him up...just so you understand that the events that ensued were not design malice intended).
That weekend, NN became my latest victim - one in a group of friends who I agree to go to lunch, dinner, or a movie with but who I trap (in a way) when I ask them to briefly stop by a store or two for a casual "look". Much to their chagrin, however, these friends unwittingly end up on the sidelines (the sidelines of my world) for hours in furniture shops while I obsessively peruse and photograph everything there is in site. Is that a form of kidnapping? Torture? Hmmm...?
Poor NN. It was Saturday and all he wanted to do was have lunch and to go see Watchmen. (Thankfully, by the time we got to the Arclight on the opening weekend of Watchmen, and much to my relief, the movie was sold out. To pretend I was just as into the movie as NN (to indulge his interest in this movie rendition of a graphic novel and only because he had been so indulgent with my interior design aside), I begged every single person at the ticket counter to release the four seats that are held aside and never sold for every movie "just in case a seat breaks or something". My begging was useless. The group of ticket sellers was resolute...they thought and said as I pretend begged, "No tickets for you."! "Fabulous", I secretly thought...but put on a very sad face to NN).
Anyhoo, before the Watchmen expedition at the Arclight, NN and I went to Lawson Fenning on Beverly. The first thing I saw was this gold cabinet. I was transfixed.
I asked NN..."Is this ugly or pretty? I can't tell."
NN definitively responded "Ugly."
"Is it really pretty? Or is it really ugly? Or maybe on a continuum it circles past ugly, around to pretty and then back to ugly and then lands somewhere in between pretty and ugly?", I mused.
NN definitively responded again, "Ugly."
Then he disappeared as I stared at the cabinet for another five minutes.
With no audience in sight, I finally replied "I'm not the right setting, although I don't know what, this might work?"
(Crickets chirp)
But, even as I spoke, I wasn't all that sure. Part of me thought beautiful...part of me thought absolutely not beautiful (verging on gauche).
I need more than NN's opinion and my indecisiveness to decide on this one.
What do you think of this vintage brass cabinet...ugly or pretty?
(I do think this is a striking and bold piece that could make an amazing design statement...but don't know just what do you say?)

Please click on comments link below and weigh in!
Photos by Coco of Nbaynadamas
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AN - Thursday, March 26, 2009
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